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Overview: Batman: Legacy is a mid-90s DC Comics crossover event that first ran from 1996 to 1997. The arc spans multiple Batman titles and serves as a sequel to the earlier Batman: Contagion...
Overview: Contagion is a DC Comics crossover storyline published in 1996. It was written by several authors, including Chuck Dixon and Alan Grant as two of the most prominent contributors. The...
Overview: Officer Down is a seven-part crossover event published in 2001 by DC Comics, featuring key Batman-related titles. The storyline revolves around a serious incident involving Commissioner...
Overview: The Bruce Wayne: Murderer?/Fugitive storyline is a crossover event that spans various Batman-related titles, released between 2002 and 2003. The story revolves around Bruce Wayne being...
Overview: War Games is a major crossover event in Batman comics published by DC in 2004. The story is primarily written by Bill Willingham, Andersen Gabrych, and Dylan Horrocks, with art from...
Overview: Face the Face is an eight-issue storyline in 2006 across Batman and Detective Comics. Written by James Robinson, it features art from Don Kramer and Leonard Kirk. The arc is a major...