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Planetary is a sprawling, mind-bending series by Warren Ellis and John Cassaday that follows a group of "mystery archaeologists" uncovering the secret history of the world. Led by Elijah Snow, Jakita...
Neil Gaiman's The Sandman Omnibus Vol. 3 collects some of the most fascinating and philosophical tales from the Sandman universe, diving deeper into the Endless and exploring themes of life, death,...
Neil Gaiman's Sandman Omnibus 2 collects some of the most pivotal and emotionally resonant stories in the entire series. This volume contains major arcs like Brief Lives, where Dream and Delirium go...
Invincible Universe Compendium 1 is a spinoff collection that expands the world of Robert Kirkman’s Invincible series, shifting the spotlight to lesser-known heroes and side characters while...
The Sandman Omnibus Vol. 1 collects the beginning of Neil Gaiman's legendary comic series, an intricate blend of mythology, literature, and original storytelling. The story follows Morpheus, the Lord...
Joker’s Last Laugh is a high-stakes, chaotic DC event centered around the Clown Prince of Crime at his most dangerous. Believing he’s terminally ill, the Joker sets out on one final, destructive...